Lockleaze Neighbourhood Trust was funded by the National Lottery’s Climate Action Fund, to co-producte a community climate action plan combining what residents want and need with tackling climate action. Community Climate Action is a Bristol based project enabling six communities to take action to improve local resident’s lives and our environment, and help Bristol become a carbon neutral city.
Climate change is affecting all of us and now it’s more important than ever to be reducing our impact on the Earth. Being environmentally friendly is not only good for the planet, but for our health and wellbeing and for our economy. This is an exciting opportunity to work with our neighbours and with other communities in the city, to ensure we all have healthier and happier lives now and for our future generations.
Thanks to the National Lottery for kindly funding this project.
Our story so far
The Bristol Community Climate Action Project consists of a partnership of community organisations across the city: Ashley Community & Housing Ltd, Ambition Lawrence Weston, Bristol Disability Equality Forum, Eastside Community Trust, Heart of BS13 and Lockleaze Neighbourhood Trust, supported by Bristol Green Capital Partnership, the Centre for Sustainable Energy and Bristol City Council (Sustainability and Climate Change Team) and sees Bristol’s communities stepping into a leadership role in the city demonstrating their ability to respond to the challenges of climate change with effective, community-led action.
The programme is led by six Bristol organisations representing communities experiencing multiple deprivation who have traditionally been excluded from the climate change debate and responses to it. During 2021 these community partners have developed Community Climate Action Plans in collaboration with the communities they represent, which will reduce emissions, and lead effective carbon reduction programmes in their own communities and across Bristol. The priorities identified in these plans will be implemented from 2022 onwards, with the extent of the delivery depending on the funding and support response to the Community Climate Action Plans from the wider city and beyond.
In Lockleaze this project has been facilitated by Lockleaze Neighbourhood Trust - you can read more about the wider project partners here.
The Community Climate Action plan was built on conversations in real life, over Zoom and through social media. We used the data and the aspirations of residents expressed at events through conversations and surveys. We built on existing knowledge from the community plan and the current baseline of what was already happening in Lockleaze at the beginning of the project. Our Festival of Solutions, which ran from July until October, was a key part of the co-production phase that allowed residents to talk to us and our partners about their concerns and explore ways to address issues in focused days of activities and events. Activities during the festival included: a cycle ride to local food producers, film screenings by Local Down to Earth film collective, Wildlife Wonders, Walk on the Wild Side with Steve England, community cooking lessons, Love Your Lungs banner workshops, upcycle events (clothes repair and renew), FutureProof Your Home, a community feast, Talking about Transport, a clothes swap and the ‘No Music on a Dead Planet’ gig.
Really Wild Lockleaze
The National Lottery is funding each partner to take forward part of their project. We are taking forward actions for nature. This builds on things Lockleaze cares about, tackles threats to nature from all the housing developments and also looks at the actions we can take in our own homes and gardens to support a really wild Lockleaze. Read more about this project here.
Throughout the project, we have worked alongside these local organisations:
What is carbon neutral?
Nearly everything we do produces carbon.
Our homes, how we choose to travel, what we eat and where our food comes from, what we buy and where we buy it from all affect our carbon footprint. Being carbon neutral means that we use methods to take the same amount of carbon out of the atmosphere as we put in.
Why is it important for Lockleaze?
Climate change is affecting all of us and now it’s more important than ever to be reducing our impact on the Earth. Being environmentally friendly is not only good for the planet, but for our health and wellbeing and for our economy.
If you love Lockleaze’s community spirit and would like to be a part of improving our community for now and for future generations please come to one of our upcoming events or get in touch.
Let’s make change in Lockleaze.
Email: maria@lockleazent.co.uk
Telephone: 0117 9141129
Facebook: Lockleaze Community Climate Action
How to get involved
Are you already working to reduce your carbon footprint and like to share your experiences or learn more
If you would like to reduce your carbon footprint but don’t know where to start
If you are working with others socially or in an organisation and want to share your knowledge and experience with others
If you want to have your say on a particular issue such as travel, food, housing or another area where you want to make help reduce carbon emissions
Contact us to see how we can make Lockleaze Zero Carbon using links below.