Blooming Lockleaze Walks - a trip to the community garden!
On a wet and windy day our hardy walkers joined us for our first series of different short and local walks for residents to Buzz Community Gardens. It was their first trip to the lovely gardens!
All of the walkers met new people, felt welcomed and all felt recharged after a short walk. For most of us it was the first time we had made fun fat balls to help feed the birds!
It was, as one of the walkers said, "Lots of fun" and we all enjoyed a cuppa and a chat afterwards in the Hubbub café.
For further information about our programme of free family fun walks for local residents, please see the poster attached.
If you would like to join in the free gardening sessions on a Wednesday and Saturday morning from 10am- 12 o'clock at Buzz Community Gardens, please see the poster below for more information.
Jonathan, Wellbeing Navigator

Thanks to our funders Sport England for supporting this free walk programme.