Community Climate Action Plan Refresh - July 2024
July 2024
Throughout July we have been popping up at events, festivals and at our regular groups to give you the opportunity to re-examine the priorities set by residents for the 7 strands of the Lockleaze Community Climate Action Plan.
We were overwhelmed with your enthusiasm and delighted so many of you wanted to engage. Each conversation was recorded, all suggestions and ideas noted and here is a summary of your responses and highlights of some of the actions for each strand.
It was extremely positive to learn about the actions being taken collectively and as individuals to tackle climate change and shape the future of Lockleaze.
You told us that climate action is everybody's business.
Our thanks to everyone who took the time to make sure the priorities you set are still relevant, still important and right for the Lockleaze community.
We have included a mix of actions LNT has taken to date and continues to deliver, as well as some of what our community partners are doing in Lockleaze.